There Are Too Much Benefits of Marketing
Why would you do marketing anyway? You know that viral video of the kid in the backseat who had just had his teeth pulled and asked, "Is this real life?" That's how I felt. I was on the phone talking to a prospect about marketing his business and he says, "but I don't do magazine ads." Huh? "What do you mean you don't do magazine ads? I didn't say anything about magazine ads." He said, "well you said marketing." I said, "yeah... but... I mean I can do magazine ads, but why would you think that marketing was magazine ads?" And he said, "I guess I don't know what marketing is then." Sometimes I guess I don't think about what is common knowledge and what isn't. One time I was at a networking event and this guy started talking about great comedians and I was like, "OH yeah what about Richard Pryor!" and he goes, "Who's Richard Pryor?" Huh? Who's Richard Pryor? Just the greatest comedians of all time! Well, one of them anyway, but I guess we all have different experiences, I mean I guess it's possible not to know who Richard Pryor is and I guess it's possible not to know what marketing is for. If you own a business, your first priority is to find and keep customers, so no matter what you do you are a sales organization first. Marketing is designed to attract and educate prospects and turn them into leads for your salesforce. It's that simple! Whatever form marketing takes, it's job is to pull customers to you. Now as far as the benefits of marketing go, It depends upon how you use it. For instance, you could have a sales team who is proactively reaching out for new customers, or you could have marketing on the front end pulling and attracting customers to your sales team that your sales team then handles. In the first scenario your sales people will be talking to a lot of people who really aren't interested in what you have to sell, but in the second scenario your sales people would be talking to only those people who are ready to buy. That means that the benefits of marketing in this case would most likely be a smaller more knowledgeable, more motivated sales force, a predictable stream of revenue and customers which you could then optimize to increase the chances of sales and new business, you get brand exposure in the marketplace and that brand image would give you more loyal customers, and overall you would most likely experience a reduction in the cost to acquire a customer, and your business would grow. Marketing is leverage. It helps you work smarter not harder. You could have a room full of salespeople all smiling and dialing hundreds, thousands of people a day looking for the one, two, three people who are ready to buy now, or you could have marketing which leads those people who are interested in purchasing from you to a small group of salespeople maybe two or three. And in that scenario you would only need enough people to answer the incoming calls, so you would grow based on the demand that your marketing generates. Now people say marketing is expensive, but can you see how fourty people in a room all calling on phones and desks, and cubiicles, and the space to house them and all everything that goes with it is a lot more expensive that targeted marketing with a small work force, a small sales force. Now there are all kinds of tactics you can use when marketing and I've compiled a list of 75 of them on the blog, but regardless of the tactic that you use, the goal is to get as much business as fast as possible, as inexpensively as possible. And if you need help with that I know a good marketing team with a good track record, so reach out to me and I'll hook you up.