Requairments And Time Frame to Become a Dentist
I'm Joe Neely. I practice with the Barton Oaks Dental Group. We're going to talk about how long it takes to become a dentist. Dental schools have curriculum requirements, that usually is ninety to a hundred hours of core courses. For the majority of people going to dental school, they'll have an undergraduate science degree. I think some ten, fifteen percent may have graduate degrees. Usually a small percentage of folks gain admission, prior to getting their undergraduate degree, by completing their core courses, and scoring well enough on entrance exams. The entrance exam, the dental aptitude test, is a pretty extensive, eight hour exam procedure, and then dental schools, are four years in length. The first year to year and a half being mainly theory, and basic sciences, and then the last two to two and a half years being clinical experience. If you wish to go on for a specialty degree, they range anywhere from one to four years.