10 creepy plants in the world


Here are 10 of the most bizarre and creepy plants in the world.

10. Hydnora Africana We would like to think that plants smell nice and provide nature a scent that is too good to resist. For the most part, this is true. But then you have plants like the hydnora africana which is out to prove everyone wrong. The plant is widely known for its terrible scent that it emits, which some claim is worse than the smell of feces. It grows mainly below the soil except for the part that you are looking, which is also the source for it’s terrible scent. But it’s not all for bad intensions. The plant actually does this to attract natural pollinator as well as different bugs to feed on.
9. Wolffia Although they don’t look like your typical plants, the Wolffia includes some of the smallest flowering plants on Earth. These are acquatic plants that resemble cornmeal and float on water. In terms of structure, these plants have no roots to grow from. They go through a type reproduction called vegetative reproduction which basically means they can multiply. What’s also interesting about these plants is that they are packed with lots of nutrition including protein. But of course the most bizarre thing about these plants is just how they feel if you were to touch them.
8. Lithops Julli What you are looking is not a rock but an actual plant. The Lithops are a type of plant that can camflouge into a rock in order to protect itself. And unlike most plants, the Lithops grows its leaves underneath the soil so that predators would not see it as a plant. The plant can be found in a variety of different colors, shapes and sizes making it one of the most diverse and creepy plants out there.
7. Chinese Black Batflowers I’ll give you a few seconds to guess what this plant is? … Did you guess it? Most likely, your answer was a bat not only because of the name but also because it well looks like a bat. See for yourself with this freaky side by side. When it isn’t hanging upside down, the plant’s leaves unfold and presents itself more like a plant. Farmers have used the chinese black bat flowers to strike fear into critters and unlike a scarecrow this might actually make some animals jump.
6. Cape Sundew So this plant is a pretty bizarre one. For the most part, it grows and functions like any other plant would. But what’s odd and a bit crazy abut the Cape Sundew is that it’s actually a carnivore meaning it only eats animals. Sure there are other carnivorous plants but this one is pretty cruel. Unlike the other plants, the Cape Sundew doesn’t have a mouth to trap its prey but rather an arm that wraps insects and slowly kills and crunches them.
5. Octopus Stinkhorn The octopus skin horn is another mushroom type fungus found in many parts of the world. These plants start out as an egg and quickly evolve into this monster of a plant. And what’s unique about this plant is that can unfold its arms and reach out as if it was an octopus (hence the name). As the arms unfold, the plant reveals the interior which contains the glena which is just some tissues.  What’s also interesting about this plant is that it takes on this pinkish appearance as if it were a dying plant in order to attract flys and capture them.
4. The Doll’s Eyes (Actaea pachypoda) The doll’s eyes is a species of flowing plant found primarily in eastern North america. During the springtime, the plant can grow up to 2 feet tall and about 3 feet wide. Now if I hadn’t known that this was a plant grown on Earth, I would’ve told you it was from some extraterrestrial world just by how these look. The main feature of this plant are the white berries which look eyes poked through some sticks. Don’t get close though, because these berries are poisonous and can kill you pretty quickly.
3. Bleeding tooth Peck The bleeding tooth is an inedible fungus found in North America, Europe and most recently in Iran and Korea. It’s typically located near conifer trees where the plant is grown and brought to life. Now (of course) the most interesting feature of the plant is this red liquid stuff that’s gushing out from it’s body. This is actually how the plant get it’s name “the bleeding tooth” because the liquid resembles blood although if you want to go further it looks like those chewing gums with fruit inside. But this red fluid actually contains pigments which is important to the plant’s growth.
2. The Chinese Fleeceflower Forget plants, the chines are now growing humans. Well, not really. Enter the chinese fleece flower. These are actually normal functing plants with what appears to look like small humans on its roots. The plant functions as a medicine used to treat things like kidney health and help prevent aging features. But as far as the roots, I’m not quite sure. Did the chinese intionally want the roots to appear as humans or these just a rare species that no part of the world except china knows about. Like many people, I’m still searching for the answer.
1. Penis Cactus I’m not really sure where to start with this one. We all know and love our cacti found mostly in warmed climates. Cacti come in all sorts of shapes and sizes which brings us to the penis cactus. In rare occasiosns, we will come across a cactus which aren’t like others. The penis cactus is just that. It’s found primarily in the deserts of Bolivia and it can grow up to 5 meters tall. Other than its appearance, though this functions like any other cactus. However, among those that collect cacti, the penis cactus is valued pretty high. So if you ever come across one of these, go ahead and grab it and send it off to your local cactus collector because who knows how much money you can make off of these. alright that’s it for the list. Go ahead and comment down below with your favorite plan. Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more videos and we’ll see you next time.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.