Prepare yourself for interview and go for success


hi I'm Erica Brantley bag careers dot com hopefully resume has done its job and landed you an interview now for the part that make people the most nervous the interview while interviewing can be intimidating for you if the applicant it can also be an intimidating process for the person doing the interview there's a lot of pressure on that person to find higher the right person so knowing that it is a little bit uncomfortable for both the view might help lessen anxiety also I'm here to tell you that practice can make a world of difference but we'll talk about that more later one other key point about interviews but I'd like to discuss before we dive into the details is that the interview is a very important part the process for you not only to fill yourself but ensure that the job & Company are going to be the right fit for you it is almost like you're interviewing them with interviews you typically get one shot no do-overs allowed doing everything you can to prepare is crucial let's begin with overall preparation and being ready for the question most employers are using a form of questions called behavioral based interview questions these questions feature a structure that ask the candidate for an example the actions taken and the outcome the philosophy behind this type of question is that past performance will protect future behavior an example behavioral questions might be tell me about time you had to complete a work project with the team people what was your role within the team and contributions to the project and how did the project turn out to respond to this question you want to think about specific example at my previous job I worked with a team of three coworkers to complete the planning and coordination of our company newsletter each month I was appointed as Content Manager for the newsletter and responsible for brainstorming article ideas with other team members narrowing down the list article ideas contacting people to write the article and then editing articles when turned in that I would provide them to the production manager and work closely with them through production to ensure article fit articles fit our space requirement the the newsletter successfully win out each quarter as planned and really improved internal communication for our organization you see how all three parts for answer to the question oftentimes bad the hardest part about behavioral based question getting all three aspect in also because they tend to be lengthy questions it's hard to remember the specific them off in part if you've forgotten and no there with something else you were to answer don't be afraid to ask well the other component you were looking for or were interested in also sometimes repeating the question before answering will help you remember this is okay to do a few times but try to avoid doing it with all the question another thing that should be noted about these types of questions and really all types is to keep your answers complete yet confide you don't want to be rambling on and on if you feel like maybe you've flipped into one of those rambling fashion and didn't get to the answer their question activities sufficiently answered what they were looking for and then try to go back to concise responsive for the remainder of the interview well behavioral based questions are probably going to be the focus employers will most likely integrating mother basic interview questions such as tell me a little bit about yourself our review your training and background in research for me again akers stock on Wed I and many others have lists and lists a practice question the important thing is to make sure you actually practiced them having an idea what you were going to say will relieve your nerves practice responding to questions and Emir or with a friend but you can see your be critiqued on your nonverbal communication habits and refiners if necessary remember that it is okay to pass a little before responding to gather your thoughts and one other note while practicing is great and knowing what you are going to say it's important to tell your tailor your responses and make sure that they don't founder hearst for behavioral based questions develop a few responses for each of the practice questions that way you have a few to choose from nearing the first question which is typically tell me a little bit about yourself can really set the tone for the interview and put you in your city if you are well prepared as I work with people I like to suggest that they have something around one to two minutes that highlight a brief review their background skills that they possess relevant to the job there interviewing for a few relevant previous job accomplishment and then netday wrap it up by why they feel they be a good fit again keeping it brief concise relevant and with some assertiveness should help you through the first tough question time interviewers try to put people on the spot RSS certain personal characteristics through weird questioning like what kind of tree would you be if you had to choose one or what did you think of the reason advertisement keep mind that most times these questions aren't act because interviewers off their rocker in the case of the treaty might be looking for your ability to respond to something unique under pressure or at your creativity level and about the advertisement the interviewer might be looking at it if you have done your research or your ability to give candid feedback again thinking 3 responses to some of these weird questions is always helpful just in case what do you do if you are act inappropriate interview question such as are you married or what religion or political affiliation are you while these are a few examples love inappropriate question 10 you hope that the interviewers don't ask inappropriate question sometimes that's just not the case sometimes interviewers are new or don't know that they can ask those types of things and have no malicious motivation behind asking them and are often times brought up just in Smalltalk you need to act fast the motivation other person or their true concern and let that help you determine your response if they ask you how many kids you have an inappropriate question maybe you've gathered that they are really concerned about your ability to travel away from home if that is part of the job responsibility in that case rather than staying the number of kids you have maybe you'd say something like I'm fortunate have a supportive family that will allow me to travel frequently for work and that my kids enjoy the perks of having a parent that can bring them trinkets and collectibles from throughout the US and hear about where I Ben you really have two ways to respond you can either answer the question or try to answer what they're really getting at simply blurting out that they have after you and inappropriate question and that you art going to answer isn't the right response if you were asked to come in for interviews and our scheduling them be sure to find out as much as possible about each interview another great way to not let your nerves get the best view is to be aware of how the process will be handled of course you need to know the date and time but you might also ask about the expected link that the interview what's Talib interview will be such as one-on-one group a phone interview or a series of one-on-one interviews also you should ask for the names and titles and those that you will be interviewing with and finally ask if there are any items they like it have prepared are brought with such as a presentation your portfolio prior to going to your interview research the company obviously the Internet provides an easy resource to do them find out about products customers the news stories and try to integrate them with your knowledge in research into your responses to questions or in the questions that they ask you during your interview discreetly leading employer know you've done this research will be beneficial an impressive mention a phone interview mom not much different from other interviews there are a few pros and cons to be aware one great Pro is that you can have no in your practice questions with responses right in front of you one downfall is that is hard to gauge how the interview was going because you have no non verbal interaction over the phone especially with phone interviews keep your responses short and to the point also smile it can make a difference on how you respond comes across on the other line most importantly make sure you are doing your phone interview in a quiet place and on the phone that have good reception one big pet peeve of mine is one candidate that do phone interviews are walking to their car or they're at a restaurant hazy as it seems it happen and the background night noise is very distracting from the candidate answers and Mike Lee enough for me to rule them out as a candidate if you've been in the works world before I don't have to tell you about the importance of first impressions or what makes a good first impression but here are a few quick dress appropriately he probably knowing your got what type of dresses worn at organizations he works morning and you want to try to stick with something that is one notch up from what current employees might be wearing for example in a feed mill in place might mean jeans going in a suit and tie for an interview might be overkill and nice khakis and a button down shirt would be more appropriate but if you in town for an interview on a trading for khakis wouldn't be appropriate assistant I would be use your got in if in doubt over dressing is always better than under dressing arrived to the interview 10 minutes early and inform the receptionist that you were aware you are early for your appointment that way the receptionist can't wait to inform your interviewer that you were there or let them know that you have arrived early giving yourself extra time will give you time to handle unplanned issues like a traffic jam going to the wrong building are not being able to find parking and it also gives you a little time to collect your thoughts remember to be polite to everyone interact with that includes a receptionist day may have more have an influence on the hiring decision than you think make small talk whether sports and industry happenings are always great starters if you'd like to take notes be sure to ask if it is OK and if you do not want to take notes during the interview be sure to jot down notes when you get back to the car about what you liked and didn't like so that you don't forget the details typically the employer will ask if you have any questions this is a great opportunity to learn more about the company and to decide if the job in company right fit for you and not asking questions looks bad in the eyes of the interviewers be sure though that you ask intelligent questions here are a few examples of good question how employee performance measured at your organization does the company have a code of ethics please describe the leadership or management style the company what qualities do the most successful employees in your company that what is the company's attitude toward professional and educational advancement another attempt to help you identify the culture organization and if the company is a good fit for you can be gained through observation how were you treated during interview for phrases used frequently during the interview for millions how does the environment feel how prepared for the interviewers did they provide you with the necessary details for the interview and did they make you feel comfortable your instincts on a few of these items can really help mold your decision if the company and job are the right fit for you you're almost done with the interview and many people would and the interview with questions to the employer but the right way and the interview is act for the job if you think it's a good fit reiterate why you are a good fit for the job and that you were interested and want the position be sure to thank the interviewers for their time and ask what the next steps are or when you should plan on hearing from them again again remember to jot notes following interview so that you don't forget important details from interview to interview another idea that can help set you apart its defender thank you preferably a written thank you but if you know the employer's time frame for hiring is tight and email thank you would be more appropriate if you do not hear from the employer in the expected time frame give them a couple of days and then follow up to see how things are progressing with their recruiting process while losing your job can be difficult you can manage through the transition we wish you all lock and don't hesitate to contact us with questions army email them to you at careers at careers dot com


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.