How to face Interview Question Article


I'm I am Julie progeny and I work at the craterian Transfer Center here at Schoolcraft College today I'd like to talk to you a little bit about interviewing to get that phone call your heart's racing you thinking article 9 in the call you when they say guess what you got an interview at those hundreds of resumes that you sent in are hopefully just a couple of dollars you got the interview so now what what do you do interviewing isn't something that you do every day it's not something that you practice I think it feels dont even think about getting interrogated by 12 or maybe a multiple panel people so what now preparation preparation is the key and that's what I'm here for today I'm going to help you to better understand what it takes to have a really great interview keep in mind that you our marketing yourself to everybody you are having to sell yourself you have to sell what you have in relation to all those skills that you told them you had on your resume and so how do you do that it takes practice it takes preparation and it takes a lot of work and so what I want to do today is listen to a little bit of these techniques in these tools that I have in these are gonna help you to succeed when you're in front of people and you probably going to be very nervous but you have to get in there and make a very good first impression and remember you can project yourself to a potential employer and you have to tell them what you can do for them they're gonna be constantly asking and thinking about how you can benefit their company and what kind of a fit that you are from the moment that you're in that reception area you're being watched so make sure that you have proper decorum make sure that you're dressed appropriately and that's something that we're gonna get into a little bit later all sell make sure your cell phones are off make sure you're not texting anybody make sure that comes out of the mouth make sure that everything that you deal is saying I can be a good employee when you go to the desk the front desk to check in make sure that you shake hands with the receptionist make sure you introduce yourself and smile let them now please be there at least 15 minutes early and this will allow you for some time so from the moment that you get into this office make sure that you are standing tall and you're confident and you're smiling make sure that you give a firm handshake and that's something to that we can teach you over at the career center is how to give a good handshake and don't be surprised if there's going to be multiple people interviewing you know I've had panels interviews at nine people before am NOT saying that this would happen to you but be prepared it could be one it could be two it could be 10 make sure that you also bring multiple copies of your resume and you're handing them out to them as you greet each person and smile and be confident in who you are and when you're shaking hands with each person introduce yourself to each person and if you can reset their name back for instance hi John it's good to me to John I'm Julie some other things I want you to remember number one be on time make sure that you're allowing yourself time for parking for traffic for going to the bathroom for freshening up in all cell make sure that you know the route that you're going to jail there could be construction make sure that your neatly dressed when in doubt dress and the conservative side this is business casual make sure that you smile friendly people are always easier to like and giving them that smile initially will put all the defenses down it'll help you feel less nervous and be informed about the company go to their website research the company make sure you know their products make sure you know what is up-and-coming research research research this is going to help you to answer a lot of the questions and to determine is this a place that you really wanna work for make sure that you're enthusiastic but not too talkative maintain good I contact this establishes a sense of trust in it helps build for poor make sure that you are honest with every question that asked to you and make sure you're honest in your resume as well make sure you summarize your strengths to differentiate you from other candidates for the position always send a follow up thank you email or not as soon as you can this is gonna help the interviewer to understand your determination your character your thoughtfulness and your conscientiousness I also want you to remember that there are things not to do when you go into an interview make sure you're not leaving make sure that you have good manners that you're not too aggressive in your actions don't get too close to the interviewer Lima proximity about mmm four-feet and don't display nervous activity try not to do anything like hand washing or wrappings your hair are or playing with your clothes are your watcher picking your nails I love these things are going to shell don't be dishonest about anything including some other date employment or what you have done don't be bag about accomplishments be very specific and be positive don't just give yes or no answers these result in doll and boring interviews don't make a major issue about asking about salary pension vacation benefits please don't even bring those up in an interview don't ramble on make your point and stop and don't leave without understanding what happens after the interview so now let's take a look at a typical interview see if you can find the things that this person did incorrectly and correctly i'm screamin pleasure to meet you healthy actually pronounce for men I'm sorry quite right now are mister Wayne I do have a cab your application do you have a copy of your other yes a new okay 0 okay arm tell me about yourself well I've worked in customer service for three years didn't really care for my previous supervisor and that's why I'm looking for a new job who's completely incompetent any better benefits because my wife is expecting another child I think me I the well our company has been in customer service for over 30 years I we have 40 offices in 15 States and you said that you well it says here in a resume that you've worked in customer service so on why don't you give me an example of how you dealt with difficult customers and kept well as one-time discredit customer call about a loss Christmas order I tried to calm her down by listening to concerns and working with her to track the order I took her phone number and gave her my name and told her that I will get back to you shortly with some answers attractive order collar back to let her know that we're sending her order overnight island by the customer to call back if an ass for me if she had any other concerns so it's pretty obvious by this video that you can see string arm and he's giving personal information asking about benefits salary those are the things not to do but some other really positive things that he did was really good I can't act a good firm handshake and he also explained about what he did in employment and how he did it and that was a behavior-based interview so what's a behavior-based interview behavior-based interviews are probably eighty percent of what you're going to be asked in an interview so you want to prepare yourself and some other ways that you can prepare yourself are by using this acronym the star technique in the star technique what you're thinking about is the situation you talking about the task you talking about the action that you did and then the results so what you're doing is that your penis story you're giving an employer and ideal look what you have done and how you've done it and all the good results that come from it so for instance if they say discuss a time when a project didn't work out give me an example when you had to show good leadership tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer when you're answering his questions always make sure to spin it to a positive no matter how negative it might sound first what if you had a difficult manager don't ever tell them that you had a difficult manager always give them solutions and reasons why the management was fantastic no matter what were difficult customer how did you use your conflict resolution skills what did you do to address what their needs were especially when you're not taking anything personally and what the customers projecting an to: I think it's great to understand yourself in the interview process and knowledge and answers to give always always always make it positive one of the other questions that they may ask tell me about your greatest weakness this is a question I get all the time with students the greatest weakness why would they wanna know what my greatest weakness well there's a track turn your greatest weakness India greatest strength one in the examples that you could get for greatest weakness would be technology think about that here's an answer wanna make greatest weaknesses is that hi really think that I don't know enough about technology but what this has helped me to do I'll is there and constantly updating my skills I'm taking classes I'm attending seminars I'm constantly online I make sure that I learned all the software I try to find out what the trends are in the software so really what I'm trying to do is is update my skills constantly because it's changing so rapidly that could be a good answer for years to really not talking to them about a weakness that you have it actually turns into a a great strength and something that employees would be looking for now you're coming to the point where you're at the end of the interview I want you to remember don't bring up salary let them bring that up also make sure that you always know how to get in contact with them after the interview so you can't send them all thank you emails emails the fastest way to get to them right away and they'll remember your name you can get business cards from them always ask how to follow up i won the other important things to do at the end of an interview with ask questions ask questions the employer and people ask me what are some questions that I can ask ask them about why this position became available you've done research about the company right so make sure that you ask them about some other up-and-coming things that they're doing or how you can get involved with projects make sure that you relate your questions directly to the research at the company and make sure you find out a little bit about what the department is like want it like to work for them what's their ideal employee looked like as well to at the conclusion that the interview everybody stands up and you give another firm handshake anything them for their time if you need more help with your interviewing please feel free to contact the career in Transfer Center here at Schoolcraft College relocated McDowell in 2005 in our phone number 734 462 4421 you can visit our website at WWW that's cool craft that EDU and go to the website career in Transfer Center at the career Transfer Center website you can also link up to the perfect interview this is a great program it's gonna help you with your interviewing skills if you have a webcam you can set it up and you can watch yourself doing interviewing as well sell this is gonna help you practice and when you're ready come and make an appointment career counselor and we can help you to 60 0


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.