Requirement to become happy tips in life


today I'd like to talk to about how to feel happy in life so do you wanna feel fulfilled 21 a few peaceful happy at all if so what are you doing to try to make yourself happy most of us worked hard a very young age but if we just improve ourselves and improve our circumstances that would make us happy so we tend to go through life looking for success wealth and respect appreciation love and marriage or improving ourselves in the way we look in order to make ourselves happy but we're so busy trying to make ourselves happy that we don't just stop for a second and ask ourselves is working has everything I've been doing been making me happy just take a moment right now ask yourself it has what you've done has anything you've changed got you start feeling ashamed about yourself feeling unworthy incomplete as anything got you start feeling worry about what other people think is anything you changed and you just %uh feeling angry and others sad about the past were feeling anxiety about the future me take a moment to answer that for yourself really two important question because if we don't recognize that what we're doing is in for filling us and we're going to keep doing the same things there's nothing wrong with anything that we do to make ourselves happy all that stuff can give us wonderful moments of happiness you can also make us happier than we were just wonderful but eventually we bear reach the point when we recognize what I'm doing isn't working or just isn't enough it's not enough to fulfill us for make us feel whole it's not enough to really make us happy and feel free which is what we what we don't have to live life filled with anxiety worry anger sadness and all these other things that's not our natural state the reason that you don't feel free whole and happy is it because there's something missing from your life it's not because you're not good enough now because our own already and it's not because your circumstances are perfect it simply because your believing thoughts better make anyone happy that's it nothing else so you don't need to change everything about yourself the people in your life or your circumstances changing those things is not addressing the actual cause severe I'm yes so if you wanna be happy the first place to look is what's causing my on yes and then you might discover its actually your thoughts but I don't want you to believe me don't believe me that your thoughts are with creating emotions because that won't do any good this is in theory this is in philosophy I want you to discover it for yourself so in the next six videos I'm going to share with you six different ways to discover for yourself all of your happiness in on wanted emotions were actually created by the thoughts in your mind that saw so before you go ahead and watch the next videos I like you to just take a moment right now answer couple questions you can write on a notebook or you can do it in the comments area and share with other people so the questions are what are you doing to try to make yourself happy and the second question is hasn't stopped you from feeling anger sadness guilt anxiety about the future worrying about what other people think and really has it gone you to feel for fielding holding life and if the answer is No think are you willing and open to discover the real cause of your unwanted emotions on happiness in life thank you


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.