Help to Eye problems and solutions Tips for Healthy Eyes
I'm iraq an optometrist at the eye care center happy prolly my staff and I have eight hits for healthy I'm the whole book the feel there and one schedule I camps for the whole family a comprehensive I p.m. can detect serious problem like me we a rating system number two wear sunglasses to protect your eyes fund ultraviolet rays which can be dangerous you know cloudy day 103 rest your eyes when every 20 minutes between them so for example money 20 while working at a computer are using a digital my rest those eyes to help ice cream more if you spoke with smoking increases your risk cataracts and macular degeneration a.m. number by be acting regular exercise can do lady on that age-related macular degeneration bleeding-heart permanent vision loss and help control diabetes custom membership wear safety goggles during sports in any activity that pose a risk PRI an estimated 2.4 million I injuries for current 24-team and ninety percent of them can be avoided midtech I where number seven eat your greens a diet rich in fruits leaving grains and make everybody at can help reduce your risk dry macular degeneration glaucoma and more and finally number a drink lots of water without network can produce now appears to keep your eyes waste nourished and cover